
Here's Your Free eBook

We hope you check out our tips for the ways we have seen women successfully transform their trauma and regain confidence and peace. 

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Read More about Healthy Healing and Stories from Karen

Your journey to healing after relationship trauma begins with self-compassion. Refuse to carry feelings of guilt or shame (don’t claim the shame for behaviors you didn’t do or were forced to do, or manipulated in doing). You may not have done something differently to prevented the abuse or betrayal. Recognize your feelings are normal but unhelpful is important for your healing.

7 Ways to Heal and Reconnect in Relationships After Trauma

Betrayal trauma is one of the deepest, painful forms of emotional wounds, leaving scars resistant to healing. Betrayal trauma occurs when you depend on another for your emotional, mental, or even physical well-being—such as a spouse, close friend, or family member— and they break your trust in a devastating way. It’s not just about a single event; it’s about the ripple effect that spreads into every part of your life, impacting how you see yourself and the world around you. The pain you feel is real, long lasting, and often feels crippling. It can impact your day to day functioning.

Recovering From Betrayal Trauma

Trauma can and does impact your relationships. I know this may be hard to read, or maybe you are already aware of this based on your history. You may have thought your trauma impacted you only. Altering the way your perceive yourself, others around you, and relationships outside of your personal circle. When you experience trauma, it can disrupt your whole world, including your emotional, spiritual, mental, energetic, physical, and relationship health.

How Trauma Disrupts Relationships