In the Ultimate Blog Challenge (UBC), we are asked to write about the future of our blog. My initial thought was, “I can barely manage the here and now!" I know, us entrepreneurs need to be forward thinking about our businesses and our plans in order to maximize our results. I want to reach my full potential in all areas of my life. So, why is it so dang hard? But is it hard? Or do I just make it hard?
I think the answer is “yes” to my two last questions. It is hard to do all the things we pile on our plate. But I also know myself well, and I tend to overcomplicate things. This challenge has me brainstorming ways on how to be more efficient, how to create pockets of time, and learn how to eat and type at the same time (Uhm, I think I learned that bad habit when working at a hospital and frequently missed lunch breaks).
What is next for our blog?
Well, I’m hoping to attend all the blog challenges as the structure is super helpful. When the challenges aren’t happening, I want our team to post one blog per week on and two posts per month on our sister blog This would really be a super achievement for our company! I know we can do it as we set the goal of publishing a weekly podcast and that has been happening! In fact we have podcast interviews completed up to the second week of November. Yay!
We have ideas for several e-books this year as well! You can consider supporting our work by considering our services and products. The easiest way to learn about all of our offerings:
The real purpose behind blogging, writing articles, and podcasting
Heal Thrive Dream has a mission to serve trauma survivors. This is one of the hardest areas to work in, yet it is an honor for us. We know there are thousands and thousands of women and children being beaten, raped, and trafficked. We believe our work will one day make a solid difference in solving and treating this crisis. Our goal is to start with our local community by helping women at domestic violence shelters. We are working with a sponsorship coach now and have plans to run a charity event later this year. We will then expand with either services or monetary donations or both to organizations such as A21 who combat trafficking around the globe. We are women for women.

Want to blog with us?
If you are a blogger and/or have something to say in the field of trauma healing or recovery, pitch us your idea and we very well may publish it to our blog! Guest posting is a win win for both of us. Comment below if you think this is something you would be interested in doing. Thank you!