Podcast EP162: Healing Wounds with Stacia at Warriors Heart

By Karen Robinson

Heal Thrive Dream 

Introduction to Stacia Hood Lankford

STACIA HOOD LANKFORD - Warriors Heart Licensed Counselor (LPC-S)
Stacia is a licensed professional counselor supervisor with 35+ years in the mental health and substance abuse industry. She is the definition of the “Wounded Healer” and her greatest passion is facilitating the healing process for those struggling with PTSD, chronic grief and other traumas as well as helping other clinicians be their absolute best for their clients. Lankford has a Master of Science degree in counseling and therapy, and her first professional job was in a residential setting for drug and alcohol dependence. Stacia was raised by a Marine and an RN – so WHEN she makes her bed (which is rare) it will pass inspection with perfect hospital corners.

If you or a warrior need help with addiction, PTSD or co-occurring issues, please contact Warriors Heart’s 24-hour hotline (866-955-4035)
answered by warriors and/or visit https://warriorsheart.com/connect.
Website: https://warriorsheart.com/connect

Connect with Stacia:
https://www.facebook.com/warriorsheart - 190k followers https://www.instagram.com/warriorshearthealing

Watch the full video of this episode. 

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About the author


I'm  Karen

I'm licensed therapist with 25 years of clinical experience. Service driven, specializing in trauma recovery, anxiety, and depression, holistic care, and transformation to create an impact for trauma survivors globally. Services include coaching, therapy virtual courses, digital products, and on-line memberships.

Karen Robinson

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