You Can Feel Like a hot mess AND live a truly effective life.

I am proof!

Karen Robinson trauma recovery

Meet your coach ...


        I'm Karen

I help women recover from life trauma and you might think that means I have all my shit together every day.

I promise you, I don’t.

Like any other woman who’s experienced trauma, I’m a beautiful blend of hot mess and amazing effectiveness.

What I know about my perfect future client is this: You know you have what it takes to be effective and successful at life but you fear that your past trauma is going to block you at every turn.

And let’s be real. It will try.

How I’m a Hot Mess

  • Childhood abuse gave me deep insecurities.
  • Domestic violence took away my feelings of safety.
  • Sexual harassment made work life hell.
  • Being stalked by an old boyfriend gave me anxiety.
  • Many, many relationship mistakes made me doubt myself.
  • Always questioning my parenting skills.

How I’m a Success

  • I’m writing books
  • I host a podcast
  • Fully trained therapist in the trenches daily
  • Trauma Recovery Expert
  • Public Speaking/Training
  • Highly educated
  • I’m writing books
  • I host a podcast
  • Fully trained therapist in the trenches daily
  • Trauma Recovery Expert
  • Public Speaking/Training
  • Highly educated
  • I’m healing and growing!

    When I examine my life, I see my accomplishments and know that I am an amazing woman AND a hot mess. 

    I own all sides of myself and no longer try to be perfect. 

    Like all successful women who’ve weathered trauma, I know it is not about getting it right every single minute - I won’t!

    I don’t have to be perfect or fully healed in every way before helping others. I only need to be on a healing path, even a few steps ahead to be an encourager for other women.

    Some of the "mess" created by trauma.

    • Chronic pain
    • Addictions
    • Self-sabotage
    • Imposter syndrome
    • Medical and mental disorders
    • Toxic beliefs about ourselves and others
    • Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress
    • Feeling empty, ashamed, numb, and alone
    • Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress
    • Moral injury - questioning your place in the world
    • Relationship strife (partners, children, extended family, friends, peers, co-workers, leadership)
    • Impossible to list everything...
    Going Home Strong for the Holidays

    Here is a gift for you. Accepting my gift will allow us to stay connected. 💖

    About Coach Karen

    Karen Robinson trauma recovery

    Founder & Company CEO

    Karen Robinson

    Karen Robinson empowers survivors to heal and recover from childhood abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, toxic work environments and all traumatic events. Karen has extensive experience working with military sexual assault survivors, combat veterans, and those with moral injuries. Karen has served as a case manager, advocate, mental health therapist, service chief, and department chief of emergency services, inpatient psychiatry, medical social work, and for a behavioral health liaison & consultation service. Her work ethic is strong, service driven, and mission oriented. Karen is genuine, authentic, and a compassionate provider. Karen earned both her Bachelor’s (1996) and Master’s (1998) Degrees in Clinical Social Work at the University of Maine in Orono, Maine. She served in community mental health in Washington, DC; as a school social worker; adoption services (primarily home studies); emergency services, mental health therapist, and a federal government social worker (17 years)

    Karen’s home of origin is Northern Maine, but she also grew up in Rowena, New Brunswick, Canada. Karen is a trauma survivor and thus has both the personal and professional experience needed to build authentic, genuine connections with clients during the hardest times in their lives. Karen loves reading, personal development, spending time with her spouse, Tony, and her three precious children (Lena, Grace, & Gideon).

    Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

    Some of the links below are affiliate links meaning that at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you purchase something using the link.

    Karen as Contributing Author

    Karen as a expert guest on other podcasts

    Healing Trauma to Balance Your Hormones

    Healing Trauma to Balance Your Hormones

    Heal Thrive Dream with Karen Robinson, LCSW

    Heal Thrive Dream with Karen Robinson, LCSW

    Healing from a trauma

    Healing from a trauma

    Intro to Trauma with Therapist Karen Robinson

    Intro to Trauma w/ Therapist Karen Robinson

     From Trauma to Triumph with Karen Robinson's Recovery Toolbox

    From Trauma to Triumph with Karen Robinson's Recovery Toolbox

    Fostering Resilience, Finding Community and Thriving with Karen Robinson

    Fostering Resilience, Finding Community and Thriving with Karen Robinson

    Healing from Trauma Together with Karen Robinson

    Ep. 321 - Healing from Trauma Together with Karen Robinson

    How to Survive Society with Karen Robinson

    How to Survive Society

    Sharing Your Authentic Self to Overcome Fears and Trauma: Karen Robinson

    Sharing Your Authentic Self to Overcome Fears and Trauma: 

    How to Feel Safe and Secure In Relationships After Being Ghosted

    Healing After Trauma

    Grieve with Ease

    Hope, Healing and Honor with Karen Robinson

    Learning To Heal Thrive And Dream: Karen Robinson

    Thriving after Trauma w/ Karen Robinson

    Co-creating Peace Episode #84 – "The Impact of Trauma on Communication"

    Fostering Resilience, Finding Community and Thriving with Karen Robinson

    10 Fun Facts About Me 


         1. I’m addicted to books
         2. I love ethnic food.
         3. I kissed a stingray.
         4. I met my husband on
        5. I adopted a baby while living in Asia.

         6. My family has their own cemetery.
         7. I lived in Japan for five years.
         8. I fed a baby tiger.
         9. A giraffe drooled on me.
        10. A bat visited my childhood room.

    What Karen's private clients have to say


    Private Client

    “Working with Karen has been a pleasure and helped me greatly with issues I had left dormant for years. The care plan she recommended was spot on. She was patient and attentive as we worked through my trauma timeline. Her insights have also helped me in dealing with the day-to-day things that sometimes just happen. In all, I’d absolutely recommend Karen to anyone seeking quality treatment!”

    "With Karen’s encouragement, I handed mom a 13-page letter explaining our issues and used examples. I illustrated how past hurts made me feel, and I’m not expecting anything in return. This has removed a huge burden off of my shoulders (and heart and mind). Thank you Karen for guiding me through this process, it’s helped lots."


    Private Client


    Private Client

    "I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the care and attention you have provided me over the past few months. Your expertise and compassionate care have made a significant impact on my health and well-being, and I will always be grateful."

    "It feels good to know I have a career job doing something I love, not to mention the financial security. And I can see a dentist again! Thank you for all the help with that I really do appreciate it."


    Private Client


    We are a collective of trauma survivors who have been through the wringer and come out on the other side. We understand what it's like to feel broken, powerless, and alone. Through our own healing journeys, we discovered that transformation is possible. Now we want to empower others to reclaim their power and take control of their lives. Our mission is to provide compassionate coaching and support for those looking to heal from trauma, create meaningful change in their life, and live with purpose and joy.